For 2 years I've had a piece of sheet metal sitting in my garage.
I've had great plans for it but never had the time to do anything until now.
Not that I really had the time and I made the big mistake of trying to construct this baby
while my hubby had a few days off of work.
That was mistake number one.
You'd think I'd learn my lesson every time I ask him to go into Walmart with me. Within seconds of entering his feet hurt and I can't hurry fast enough to get out.
Same thing with asking for construction help...which always ends with me throwing my hands in the air and banishing him from the garage with threats of "I'll just get my sister to help me."
You see there's a reason we "crafty sisters" stick together....
and all of our projects are limited to Monday thru Friday 9am-5pm.
So here's my baby...I mean the finished project:
Ain't she cute????
Can you see Candace and I reflecting in the metal?
WA LAH is how I presented it for my sis's approval....(that's how my little girl says Voila and it just sticks in my head, I guess that's what happens to moms huh?:))

I've been wanting a magnetic board of sorts/catch all for a long time
and I've had this idea floating in my head.
I didn't want something everyone else had.
I wanted a little stash place for pencils/staplers and the other junk I can't live without.
And hey, I had to use that big piece of crown molding. I quickly found out why it was in the was slightly bowed. But I won't tell if you don't!
1. I made my plan-drew it out on paper.
2. I gathered my supplies and laid them out to see if this really would jive.
3. I started with a new product Elmer's Wood Glue Gel~~it was sweet, didn't run and was so easy to clean up!
4. Nail away baby!
5. I actually cut the crown molding myself after watching Tom Silva from This Old House's great instructional video HERE.
6. I wood fillered it all in.
7. Primed and Painted~~not all spray paints are created equal! I can honestly say Rustoleum is the bomb!
8. Another great tip my Mom gave after she spied the fix it guy at her house, when using yicky particle board (which I did for the top shelf) smear a little bit of wall spackle over it to fill in the little pits and it results in a smoother finish and is easier to paint! It worked!
9. I nailed the sheet metal on with upholstery nails. I didn't want it permanently stuck on just in case I change my mind or I drop the whole thing trying to hang it up....
10. WA LAH! (Yup, Walah!) I love it!
The beauty of this project is that it cost me practically nothing.
I had the sheet metal cut (2 years ago) from a local metal fabricator $30 it is 2' x 4'
Crap wood from my garage stash I dumpster dived for $0
Spray paint & Primer $7
Smile on my face PRICELESS!
Now I just got to figure out how to hang it up.....Honey can you help me?????
I am in LOVE with this idea!! I wish I had a crafty sister to help me - I would so be all over making this!! You rock!!!
Really a great idea! You'll have to post a picture of where you ended up hanging it.
Nicole! It is fabulous! I had a piece of sheet metal like that... when I was teaching. I think I gave it to a fellow teacher...I'll have to ask her if she's using it! :)
You did a great job, you two sisters are lucky to have each other!
way to go!
Wow, what a fab piece! Yes, I want to see it hung up too, Honey! :)
Thanks for linking it up to SNS!
FJ Donna
This is amazing. Something like this would cost a fortune in the shops. I'm definitely going to be adding this to my really long list of projects I want to tackle some day!
Wow!! I totally love it! And I laughed right out loud when you sai your crafting is from 9-5. My hubs works 3rd, ever notice most of my posts are at midnight?? lol, I push him out the door to start my crafting. ;) He's actually pretty understanding!
Ever try D rings for haning?? THis might work if you do one on each side. I hang all my heavy things like this, and then I use 'monkey hooks' (Walmart version of Hercules hooks- find it by the tools and paint). Each hook can hold 50 lbs. And they are only a few bucks! if you put one on each side, that baby won't budge! (bonus- the hooks don't require ANY tools- you just push them right into the wall. And if you misjudge where it should go- it only leaves a tiny hole!)
It turned out great! I love that it has the pockets at the bottom to hold all the "necessities"
What a great idea! Very handy and creative.
Thanks for stopping by...that magnet board (I feel like that is an inadequate name) is amazing....looks so great and I love that it has all that "catch-all" storage!
Totally terrific and great ! Looks like something from a PB catalog for $$$$$$$ !
No crafty sister for me, we both are not crafty....this is great!!~
I love that so much! You'll need a stud to hang it from...that's the extent of my knowledge. A big help, I know. ;)
TOO CUTE! I have got to get me some power tools this Mother's Day {smile}!
Boy I am sooooooooooo impressed! I noticed Gillian said you need a stud and I am adding one with 6 pack abs lol!!
smiles, alice
it looks great!
awesome job!
isn't it great when you finally get that project done that has been sitting around forever?
That's really cool! And you could even cover it with fabric that coordinates with your decor. Good job.
Very COOL !!!
LOVE it!! I want to make one just like it for my hallway. Thanks so much!
This is great! You did a fabulous job, I love the sheet metal. I would attach two D-rings on the back to hang it.
Really a fun piece, looks fantastic.
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