a pair of benches that sit at the foot of the bed. I found these lovelies at Target.
They were fine as is, but it was fun to add some color and give them a unique look!
You can tell how long I have been sitting on this project by the color of the grass.
I miss my pretty green grass!
Autumn from
Design Dump picked out the fabric and the trim, and I purchased it online.
I would have never thought to put the two together, they look great together!
The ottomans that
Autumn originally picked out were from Sears, I think you can still buy them online.
They had more of a "box" look, so I definitely needed to add some more foam to my Target benches.
To avoid wasting the original foam, I added layers of foam I had on hand.
If I were to do it again, I would probably just use one thick piece of high-density foam.
The look would have been much smoother, but hey, it was free!
When it came to upholstering, I wanted a clean look with sewn corners to create the "box" look.
I flipped the fabric over, like you do when you make a slipcover, and pinned.
Next, I used my quilting ruler to get the correct angle, and marked the fabric before sewing.
I love the sewn look, and it was really easy!
I finished it off with staples. I have been using a power stapler with too thick of staples for years. It was always a difficult chore to upholster, and I wasn't ready to take the step to an air powered stapler. I went to Home Depot and bought a semi-heavy duty stapler for 9.88. The staples went in so easily! Not bad for under 10.00.
I finished off the ottomans by adding trim with a glue gun.
I am really pleased with how they turned out. This project gives me an itch to try some more upholstery.
It was so fun to take a piece of boring furniture and give it a little character!
Today I started the headboard! Yeah!
It is a knock off of a headboard from Ballard Designs, and one of the more hefty projects left.
I'll be back tomorrow with another project crossed of the list!