I am so happy with how the headboard turned out. It is so comfy! After taking it apart three times, I think I finally finished it just the way I wanted it, tight and tailored.
Autumn suggested that I knock off the Ballard Designs Stevenson Headboard for my bedroom. A king size headboard is around $800 dollars! Autumn had me upholster with Tommy Bahama Indoor/Outdoor fabric. I can't say enough about this fabric, it is beautiful and durable.
First, I had Home Depot slice a 4x8 ft piece of 3/4 inch plywood to 4 ft x 80 inches for a king size bed....and then asked my dad to bring a trailer so I could get it home!
I used a jigsaw to notch out two curves similar to the Stevenson Headboard.
After so many failed attempts at building this headboard, I had a light bulb moment. I remembered how they upholster nail head chairs! I wanted the hard edges to give the headboard a crisp look, but wanted it nice and cushy to sit up against. I have seen nail head chairs that have a wood rim underneath. So, I took 1x2's and lined the edge of the plywood, and cut out of pine the arch with my scroll saw.
This is a really blurry picture below of the headboard, but it shows how the entire board is framed with 1x2's.
I sanded away any wood overhang with a heavy sander for a smooth edge.
I used 1 inch foam, found in rolls at Wal-Mart, to line the inside of the headboard.
A strong spray adhesive helps to hold the foam in place .
I used more of the spray adhesive to piece thin batting to soften the edges. I debated whether or not to bat over all of the foam This seemed to work and it helped keep the crisp lines I was looking for. The foam does sit higher than the wood edge, but after I placed the nail head on, it was no problem.
For the upholstery..
I knew that I wanted to have the same tailored look that Ballard Designs has on their headboard. So, I cut 5 inch strips that would wrap around the edge of the headboard. Then I cut the fabric to fit the front of the headboard, basically following the shape.
Next, I pinned the 5 inch edge fabric to the front fabric, inside out, like you would when you make a slipcover. There were 5 separate 5" pieces, one for each side, one for the top and then one separate piece for each curve, basically leaving a "seam" of sorts at each corner. Then I sewed it together, flipped it over and started stapling. I had to do some fine tuning, and lots of unpicking to get the curves just right.
I left the corners of the curves unsewn to get the lines straight,
it was much easier for me to tuck and staple.
Autumn had me use nail head trim on a roll. It is around $20.00 and is really easy to work with.
If you make a mistake the nail head pulls out easily with a flat edge.
Mom suggested that I make a template to help with a straight line...so smart!
I measured about 1/4 inch in from the edge of the framed 1x2 to mark the template.
In my bedroom plans, Autumn designed wall to wall curtains to hang behind the bed. So hanging the headboard flush on the wall was not an option. I didn't want the headboard attached to the bed. My dad came over to help me drill a couple of 2x4's into the studs of my wall. 
We attached a French cleat by OOK, you can find them in the picture hanging section of Home Depot. It is such a clever way to hang a large headboard, and it holds up to 200 pounds. I did attach wood legs to the base to take some weight off on the French cleat since the headboard is a king and hanging from 2x4's. 

I am so happy with how the headboard turned out. We have been sleeping against a cold wall for so long, this is such a nice change. We love having the headboard to prop our heads against, it's so cushy!
Next post.. I will show you the room! Yeah! :)
**I forgot to give you the rundown on prices. The foam made the headboard more expensive than I planned, but it was well worth it. Using a less expensive fabric and heavy batting would make the cost much less.**
3/4 inch 4x8 ft plywood -$35.00
5 yds of fabric-$50.00
French Cleat-$15.00
total = $171.00 ( a lot of money, but much better than $800!)
all i can say is WOW!
have you added it all up to see what you saved? so curious to know...
Hi Angela,
I forgot to add in the cost! I updated the post with the details, but it was about $171.00. The cost of foam and nice fabric made the prices higher than I wanted. It's still much less than the original BD $800 King headboard!
That is an awesome replica!
I love it!
interesting post. Now you can use this free business trade leads directory to promote moulded furnitures import & export business.
WOW. Beautiful..I absolutely love it! I love the color of your nightstands too. Where did you get your lamps?
The whole room is beautiful! I like yours better than ballard's. I featured it on my blog last night.
Awesome! How did you get the curve in the 1x2 trim at the top corners of the headboard??
That is seriously amazing! Yours is better than Ballard's. You did a really wonderful job!
Absolutely amazing! I saw this of Knock off Decor and had to come over and see how it was made. What an amazing job and such great detail and craftmanship. If you have ever taken apart furniture you'd see it's made much the same way and even sometimes with cardboard.
where did you find you fabric?
It's beautiful. I'm curious about the legs- you say that you put some on but I'm wondering if you can see them and if you upholstered those? Do you have a picture of the back with legs included. I just love it!
Definitely amazing! I saw this of Affect off Decorations and had to come over and see how it was created. What an awesome job and such excellent details and craftmanship.
MDF | Veneered MDF
Amazing, love this! Can I ask what type of fabric you used/where you found it?
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