We are so excited that AMACO (American Art Clay Company) contacted us about using some of their product. They provide supplies for pottery, education, and crafts. We knew exactly what we wanted to make after taking a peek at their website. Last year we won a papier mache rabbit from Anne at Get Your Martha On (Her website is no longer available but our tutorial gives all her great tips!) She made the most fabulous papier mache rabbits. We absolutely loved and were inspired by the rabbit given to us- and of course it made us curious of how you go about making them. Anne gives a fantastic tutorial on her blog explaining how to make papier mache rabbits from chocolate molds. It is quite a process and definitely worth following her tutorial for a perfect turn out.
Instead of using papier mache in the chocolate molds, AMACO recommended and sent us a package of Sculptamold. It is a dry, white, non-toxic modeling material that produces objects that are very lightweight, strong and durable. Sculptamold combines the best features of clay, plaster, and papier mache, it does not shrink, and is durable for dioramas, 3-D sculptures, model railroad scenery and stage scenery.
Very cool stuff! I know Sculptamold would come in very handy with all the art projects our kids make for school. We are very impressed with this product- from the durability to the set time, we highly recommend it!
We have been making rabbits using the Sculptamold for several days now, and it is quite a process with the setting, drying, and finishing time. They are so fun to make and we absolutely love how our "chocolate" painted bunnies turned out. They look so real, that I have had to hold back my kids from nibbling on them! :)
The best part is...they are durable!
We love, love these bunnies with a silver antiqued finish.
For the rabbit above, we painted and added clear glitter. (Pretty much like some of Anne's rabbits.)

We started by ordering chocolate bunny molds from the Custom Chocolate Shop.
Fantastic prices and quite a selection. We ordered carrots and egg molds too...we couldn't resist!
To fill molds using AMACO's Sculptamold, you mix equal parts Sculptamold and water. Mix for several minutes, partially fill the mold. Tap firmly or vibrate to make sure all detail cavities are filled. Fill the mold completely and tap firmly again to remove air bubbles. Use a moistened knife to smooth the exposed Sculptamold as it sets. After 30 to 45 minutes or when firm, gently remove object from mold and place on drying rack. Smooth or fill any defects. Allow time for cast piece to dry, making sure air circulated over and around entire piece. Curing time is several days. To reduce drying or curing time, you can place objects in an oven for several hours at 200 degrees.

This is where we will highly encourage to follow you to Anne's tutorial for perfect papier mache rabbits....because we failed to thoroughly read the directions. I guess you were suppose to attach the rabbits before letting all the papier mache set. We thought that you attached after! :)
Since we didn't do this, we had to improvise. We definitely were not going to waste all the set rabbits. To stick them together we made up a small amount of Sculptamold and stuck the halves together. We filled the cracks with Plaster Patch or spackling....probably incorrect...but it worked and it sands nicely and it also fills in any imperfections. :) I'm sure with the right mix you could do the same thing with the Sculptamold.
After the patching plaster was fully dry, we carved away the excess, and sanded the rabbit down.
A drywall sanding block worked great and was easy to handle.
We painted the chocolate bunnies the perfect shade of chocolate brown with craft paint. We sure do know the perfect color of chocolate alright...we curse all those Cadbury eggs available right now!
To give them a chocolate waxy look, we rubbed on furniture wax. They look so real in person with the wax!
The silver rabbits got a coat of metallic silver spray paint.
I love this paint and the shiny finish. Definitely the easy way to paint!
To antique them, we wiped on black glaze to soften the shine.
We added an organza cream bow to dress them up.
For the pastel rabbit, we painted it with craft paint and glazed with light, light, brown to pull out the cracks and crevices. Then using glue, we added clear cheap glitter. The painting was the easy part. Using Sculptamold and chocolate molds was definitely a learning experience and very fun. You all should try it!
If you also want to try Sculptamold, you can find it at Amaco's website.
They have a wonderful website with many ideas for teachers, artists, and more!
Great job! Thanks for the hat tip. :)
Wow! Those bunnies are adorable!! Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial!
oh my gosh! those are so cute! I love the "chocolate" ones! the bows are adorable too!
I also love the spray painted ones!
Wow, I can't believe how real they look! Thanks for sharing, I just might have to try this one for next year!
All I can say is WOW! Those look like you could just chomp away at their ears. The look so real.
Olhei e pensei são de chocolate!!!
Vou procurar esse produto aqui achei muito pratico, fácil de fazer e como tu falou dura muito.
Obrigada por compartilhar!!!!
Bjos Carinhosos, ainda não te convidei pra vir passear no meu blog Né? venha será um prazer recebela aqui, deixe um recadinho pra eu saber ok.
Wowwy wow! I love those faux choco bunnies. They DO look like the real deal. I have to make some. I wonder, can you get that product at Hobby Lobby.
These are awesome. Great job....
They're absolutely incredible! I'm so, so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I bought a book on papier mache mold making a while ago, and tried my hand at it over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, the stuff I bought was taking days to dry. I finally contacted the author of the book and found out that the product she prefers is AMACO. I feel confident, now that I've read your tutorial, that my next round of molding bunnies will be a success! Thank you!
Jenn/Rook No. 17
I love everything that Amaco makes that I've tried so far!! Quite a remarkable company!!! Great tutorial on the sculptamold.
Hugs XX
Those chocolate bunnies look like the real deal. Love the idea of using the furniture wax. excellant. Had a blast seeing this post. Thanks
This is such a nifty idea - love the silver ones. And thanks for posting a link for the molds. I just order some.
So glad I found you! I wondered if this wasn't possible, but not familiar with product you used, I will def have to try it. Your bunnies are wonderful :) Elaine
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