I got up the courage to take all four boys into Target for pictures. I begged Grandma to help me wrangle them all into the studio. We were able to get some cute shots. I have been needing some frames to put the photos in and these ones have been in my head for a while now. They are cheap- and don't require mats. Plus, I cheated. Target doesn't get the pictures in for another week. These are the tiny photos from online. I simply printed them off and glue sticked them onto chipboard. I don't have to worry about ruining a nice photo without any glass.
I distressed them a bit- because I eventually plan to use them in their rooms.

My intention with the little photos was to mod podge over them to give the pictures a "painting" look. Not a good idea with ink jet printers. I made my second boy look pink! It worked with the colorful Santa Clause a few months back?!

I started with a small 10.00 sheet of MDF that Home Depot cut up for me into 12x12" squares. I marked a 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" square.
Drilled a hole.
Put the jigsaw in the hole, and cut VERY crookedly around the square!:)
The crookedness will be covered by trim...don't worry!
I had to try out my new Christmas present. My in-laws gave me a gift certificate to Home Depot....not their SON.....but me..! The guy in the store thought that was pretty funny. I'm so spoiled....thank you to my lovely mother and father in law! :)
I also picked up cheap 1x2's for 82 cents a piece. Just make sure they lay straight. Measure and miter the corners. You could easily use a miter box. I did on a couple of the trim cuts.
I always like to glue before I nail.
Nail away!
If I do this again, I will put the inside trim on first. Mine wasn't as square or straight as I would have liked it.
When I glued the trim on, I created a little bit of a lip, or overhang, so I could later insert the picture.
I glued this on with hard as nails glue. It worked wonderfully.
Fill the cracks!
I primed.
I thought I wanted them silver, but didn't like it for the kids' rooms.
I went to town distressing, but regret it now! It does help hide all the imperfections and crookedness.
I sprayed them over in white. When I rubbed the edges, the silver came out...and I think I like it. It looks very shabby!:)
You know, I'm kinda the blog hog with all my projects, because Nicole is pretty busy with her business....but I do call her several times (more than she would like) a day, asking how in the heck to do all this. She is THE much wiser and capable, older sister! :)
Nice job! I love they way the group of four looks together and hats of to you for taking the boys to a photo shoot :).
Great tutorial for making frames! I have to get one of those saws!
I love how they turned out. Thanks so much for doing a tutorial!!
You are as fantastic as ever!! They're awesome!!!
Your frames came out beautiful but your sons are even MORE beautiful. How do you do it? I have two and let's just say it ain't easy. =)
Yay! they all look great. Good lucking kiddos you have there! They would make any frame look cute!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the Vintage Valentine's. I am sooooo drooling over your neato tools. The saws and such are awesome. Your in-laws are quite the good gift givers! I love the frames! Very good job (and cuties to put in them...best part!)
Those turned out so great! I have often wondered how to make frames and now I know!
I got a miter saw for Christmas too - my dad and step-mom sent me a gift card to use to buy one! I haven't taken it out of the box yet, but I can't wait! I'm drooling over your nail gun though - that is next on my list!
Thanks for the great tut - you have four pretty incredible subjects to work with!
I love those, great job! Cutie pie boys!
Awesome job, have always wanted to try picture frames, now I have the inspiration to do so!!
I really need one of those fancy saws! It would make my life so much easier! Too Cute! Great Job!
Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite
Those look great - thanks for sharing! I just have one question - did you make the back of the outer trim flush with the back of the frame? Or is there a bit of a "lip" on the back too?
I've been thinking of trying to make my own frames for some art pieces I have, and am trying to work out the details of how the art is attached to the back.
What a wonderful job you did.. I've never been able to get a frame made quite right. Can't wait to try one out. Thanks for the incredible info..
Wow, I am really impressed! I would have never thought you made those frames. They look so good! The black and white prints are perfect. Nice job ~Lisa
i love this. i can't believe you made you own frames! i had no idea what a hard-core crafter you really were! i totally laughed at you calling yourself a "blog-hog"--that is just hilarious.
your boys look angelic in those pictures
Wonderful!!! I've had frames going through my head, too. How do you keep the photos in the frame? That's what I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around.....a simple, easy way.....
I love these, we made some frames a while back, but hubby was helping me, can't imaging it without him. Great job.
Cha Cha
This is fabulous!
:o) Trish
You did a fantastic job! Great tutorial and I love the results. Well done!!! :)
Thanks for adding your creativity to the DIY Show & Tell!
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