Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eyeball Halloween Wreath

Oh, we had a lot of fun with this one.  Making something so creepy...yet pretty! I was heading out to the store the other day and my kids asked me what I needed to get.  "I need to pick up some eyeballs."  What?  I have seen tons of eyeball decor in the stores.  At Target you can get bags of eyeballs and even eyeball lights. 
The Target eyeball were a little small for our wreath, so Nicole and I thought of another idea. 
Ping pong balls! We found several packages at the Dollar Store.
They are just the right size for a wreath, although the eyeball lights would be fun too. A couple of years ago, the little boy next door told me that I have "green eyes" a witch.  What does that mean......huh? :)  He also told me that my red gardening clogs look like the ruby red shoes the witch wears in The Wizard of Oz.  Maybe he's been watching too much T.V.?  I sure hope so. Anyway, we painted our eyeballs with green paint and witch's eyes.
I picked up this spring wreath from Walmart for 7.00 dollars and gave it a couple coats of black spray paint.  So easy!
We picked up three yards of netting and wired it on the back.  We then fluffed and pulled until it gave the wreath some body.
Here's the fur yarn we use on many of our Halloween decorations. We wrapped the wreath with yarn to add some cobwebs for the glittery spiders. We also tucked some white tulle circles in between the flowers.
What's a little creepy for my Halloween taste- but making those eyeballs was oh so fun! 
I have a black door, so I might add some lights so I can make sure to give the trick or treaters a scare......

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


Suzanne said...

What an incredible wreath! Seriously good Halloween fun!

Cary M. said...

You two are so crafty. What wonderful ideas you both have. :)

Connie said...

Another home run girls. You never seem to run out of ideas.

Heather L. said...

I love this! What a smart idea to use ping pong balls. I might have to try doing this myself. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Linnea said...

I love this! Nicole, I'm thinking I might actually do this with the kids this weekend--Eva and Ivy would love to help and Ethan would think it's pretty cool for our door. Thanks!!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

This is so fun! I would have never thought to spray paint a wreath! LOVE the eyeballs & spiders!

Christian said...

I am definitely going to copy you on this one. LOVE IT! :)

Laurie in SC said...

So so cute! My kids love ping-pong balls and I've GOT to show them this wreath! TFS!

beth said...

This is so cool! And I love the idea of spray painting an unwanted wreath--so clever!

OAK Creations said...


Lemondrops Simple Stuff said...

I just found you at T's Daily Treasures. Love the wreath, topiaries and candy corn banner! I just love all things fall and Halloween!Thanks for sharing!

Melia said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE this wreath! I was just at Walmart tonight and saw the ping pong balls and wondered what to make with them. Now I know! Thank you!

Colleen { HappyLittleArt } said...

Love, Love, LOVE this!!! This would be PERFECT for our door as this year Im going black, purple and green for Halloween...Too fun...I just may have to swing by Walmart this weekend!

Love it!!!

nest of posies said...

you all do such fun & fabulous wreaths! i was just think the other day about all your egg wreaths for spring. you did not disappoint me with this one - either! so spooky fun!!!

thanks for linking up to the FALL FESTIVAL!


Jen said...

what a wonderful idea - spray paint a wreath! HUH! wow - it's darling!!!

Sawdust Girl said...

I love it. It's spooky but not gross. I have a black rose wreath that I usually put up for Halloween. I think I'll add a few embellishments this year. The netting makes it seem so much fuller and I love the eyeballs and spiders.

Anonymous said...

The glitter! The feathers! The mesh! The black roses and then the EYEBALLS! Sooo awesome! Totally diva creepy! Love!!!

Anonymous said...

AAAAAHHHHH I am going to have nightmares with all those eyeballs staring at me!!!


Jodz said...

This is by far my favourite Halloween wreath. Absolutely gorgeous in a creepy way.

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Aweome wreath!

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

Totally creepy! My boys would love this :).

The Loftins said...

I just made this wreath and feel soooooo totally proud of myself!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

kim west said...

feautured this today!

Anonymous said...

I love this wreath! I am going to try to make something similar for my kids. We already have a bunch of eyeballs floating around in our Halloween boxes. :)

Leslie said...

I featured this wreath today!

Unknown said...

Absolutely love this! I really like the way you started with a regular wreath and built up from there - very cool!

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