Friday, November 5, 2010

Dinner In A Pumpkin

Crazy week!
Between the food coloring in the carpet and the virus on our computer... bazaar crafting....I think I'm done!
After the carpet cleaner came, the green spot is now a 6 ft yellow looking pee stain in my front room. Yippee! I don't think there's much you can do with green food coloring in the carpet, maybe I can put an ottoman or rug over it? My little guy loves to dump everything on the carpet. I put the food coloring up in my cabinet after making the slime, then my little guy pulled a chair up and found exactly what he wanted. I have to give him credit for being pretty observant for a 20 month old. How do I install child proof locks on my "upper" cabinets?

Last year our family visited my sister-in-law Carrie for Halloween.  She made the yummiest dinner cooked in a pumpkin. We decided to give it a try  I found this recipe on the web using ground beef.  My SIL, Carrie, used chicken with rice.  I have heard of using soups too.
It is ~surprisingly~ delicious! :)

 It doesn't make your dinner taste like pumpkin. You can even eat the cooked pumpkin along with your meal. We added a little salt and pepper and it tasted like squash.
After you find a nice looking medium pumpkin. Cut the top off and take the "innards" out.
Pre-cook your meat (very important) and add ingredients, like green pepper, onion, cream of mushroom or chicken, and soy sauce.  The recipe I found called for instant rice.  I used pre-cooked rice from my rice maker and it worked fine.
After combining ingredients, fill the cooked mixture into the pumpkin and put the lid on.
Cook for an hour and a half at 350.
And there you go!  It smells really delicious!  This would be so cute at any kind of fall party or just for dinner.
My kids are so picky and were a little disturbed about eating something out of a pumpkin. They still ate most of it, once I convinced them...."No, you're not eating the pumpkin...but you can!"
I think I might try a creamy potato soup next.
Here's my little food coloring artist on Halloween!  AAAHhhh....he is making my hair turn gray! :)

We will be back soon with Christmas ideas! Yep, we are moving on to Christmas! We have been trying to take pictures of some of the bazaar creations to share with you!


Debbie said...

This is very yummy, I have also made it with chili. Add a dallop of sour cream, scoop some of the sides and YUMMY!

katie@tulsadetails said...

Wow! That is so impressive!

JC's Loft said...

No way! That's to cool! I'm always looking for ways to impress the MNL at Thanksgiving so I'm adding this to the list, haha.

Gourmet Freezer Cooks said...

I am so sorry about your food coloring incident. Another idea for you would be to find out if the place that installed the carpet can get you a piece the size that you need and they are able to patch it. 2 days after we got our new carpet, the dog got locked accidentally in the bedroom--she dug up the carpet in the area in front of the door-so, we called and they came and patched it and it looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

The rice-in-a-pumpkin dish looks amazing! I want to make some, too. I hope you can share the recipe with us, too!

Anyway, about the carpet. I've had problems with my carpet, too. I don't know, but I had this crazy idea of "coloring" my carpet last Halloween. I thought I could clean the stains after Halloween was over, but they got stuck there. It's a good thing those carpet cleaners Orange County has cleaned the stains up for me. Those Orange County carpet cleaners are the ones who we've been calling whenever we do general house cleaning every now and then. I really thought the stains can't be erased anymore. It's a good thing that I could contact the experts in carpet cleaning in Orange County.

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