Yeah, I feel a little batty for still making more Halloween decor when it's a week away. But, I was strolling through the Halloween posts on Design Dump and was inspired by one of the pictures Autumn posted. Great post(s) by the way, many ideas I have never seen before.
The picture reminded me of the very cute bats Nicole made for a boutique several weeks ago. She had mod podged the bats with these papers (5 for 1 buck) found at Hobby Lobby. She sold out very quickly and I have been dying to get my hands on some.
Nicole is "crazy" busy right now and probably not too anxious to cut 15 bats out- for free- for her sister. I popped in to snag her bat pattern from her and I think she had at least 60 tiny turkey feet-sanded & painted- sitting on her counter waiting to be assembled to the body!
So, I went home and pulled out the scroll saw and carefully cut these bats out. I know Nicole's dying with the bad cuts I made.....if you want some of these (cut by Nicole :)) you can order them here. She's a pro and her bats are just about perfect!
Using Mod Podge, I papered the bats, sanding the edges for a nice finish.
Instead of putting the spray painted black branches into a pumpkin like the inspiration picture, I used a large green vase. I still love the idea of the pumpkin. I had set them temporarily in the vase and it looked pretty I kept it!
I printed a little "spooky" sign to dress up the vase.
Nicole originally had her bats glued onto dowels and anchored into wood blocks. She drilled the bats at angles to add some interest. With some of the extra bats I mounted these little guys into a 2x4 and I added a little spider yarn here and there. I could use that stuff on everything. Does it come in red for Christmas? :)

Take a peek at the metal spiders I found at Marshall's. They always have the best (and cheap) seasonal home decor. The little metal spider holding the pumpkin I found at a local home decor store. He was too cute to pass up, I brought a bat home too. Hmmm...I wonder how we could make these?
For the ornaments, we used eye hooks to hang the ribbon.
I can't believe we are a week away from Halloween. I still need to round up a couple of costumes. Does anybody have any great costume ideas for an 80's themed party? My husband and I "have to" dress up and my mind is blank. (we don't get out much) Feel free to send any ideas our way!
Way too cute! I love those wood bats and a tree to hang them on is too much. Very nice!
Ca-ute!! I love them!!
Funny! When I started reading this post, I saw the bats and and to scroll back up to see who was writing it. I thought to myself, it said Candace... but I must have read it wrong. NOPE! I read it right and your bats look awesome! great job Candace! wooohooo! If I were handy with a saw, I could make $500 this month on 6 small projects! But they all have to be exact and exactly alike. Not my expertise! woe is me! That would be great Christmas money.
anyhoo, I got sidetracked. I love your bats, your tree, your sign. Love it all!
wow! i can't believe how fast you pulled this off! it looks totally amazing...i actually have some of those same black and white papers. i may have to copy you for next year. i haven't even put my decorations up yet! yikes!! only a few days to go, and i am being so lazy. my poor kids!
LOVE THE BATS! Adorable! You've been bookmarked! That's a good thing.
So cute! And as for 80's I saw a man dressed as Richard Simmons once and it was hilarious for 80's idea. I have seen some posts about groups of girls as the Golden Girls too!
Love the bats!!!!!
I made my way here via design dump. I love this idea. The bats are so cool! Great blog! I'm your newest follower :)
Just came by from Design Dump and WOW am I impressed!!!!! WHat a great job! You could be Madonna from the 80's or you could just do big hair with the wings out to the side, peg your jeans leg and pop your collar! Have fun!
I thought your cuts were darn near perfect! :-) I LOVE those bats, they are the cutest. {And the mounted ones.} Just awesome!
Love it! It turned out cute! Great job!
i love this idea....i guess i better get my skil saw skills in gear!!!!
i might have something in my costume box...
oh, and i LOVE everything you did to your mantle!! good job candace!
I love the bats. Great Job!!!
Those bats are so freakin cute!! Thanks for sharing such a darling idea! Love it!!!! Joy
I am so in love with these bats!!!
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