Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Corn~Kid's Craft

While you're slaving away in the kitchen, here's a little craft to keep the kids busy.  We made these a few years ago in my son's class and it was so easy.
You will need beads, raffia, pipe cleaners cut in two, and corn husks.
I think that's a pretty good mix of authentic corn colors in the beads, don't you think?:) 
Have your little one bead them on.  He's been practicing in preschool and is quite good! 
We thought 5 rows was a good number for our corn. 
Twist the ends together. 
We dampened the corn husks before tying so they wouldn't crack. 
Tie the ends with raffia and trim it up. 
Super easy! 

This is sure to keep their little hands busy for a bit so you can bake away. 
 We'll be back later to share our mom's winner pie crust!


  1. Thanks so much for posting this!! I was looking frantically for a craft and this will be perfect!! I also posted a link:


  2. So stinkin' cute!! I hope we have time to make some.

  3. Quick question: where did you buy the corn husks?

  4. Love this project for kids. Will pass along to my daughter for the grandkids.



  5. Ificould~
    you can find Corn Husks at Walmart in the Spanish Food section. I think most grocery stores should have them. Good luck!

  6. what?? how cute!
    you are sooo creative, it kills me!


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