Tuesday, June 8, 2010

School's Out!

My little girl "graduated" from Kindergarten today!
It seems like it was just yesterday I was dropping her off for her first day,
me bawling all the way there and all the way home,
almost the whole time she was gone and as I picked her up.
I never knew the last few weeks of school
would be so busy and all consuming.
I did manage to get a little trio of apples cut out and done up for her teacher gift.
Candace and I are madly painting up our Martha Stewart projects
for the CSI Project contest. 
Ya know how we love us some Martha!
Tomorrow hopefully we'll be all done and ready to reveal!
We're pretty excited about it
and hope it will be worth some forgiveness for our lack of blogging lately!
So for now the paint brush is calling my name......


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