Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chicken Wire Wall Shelf


This is another shameless copy of a shelf Nicole and I saw in a store. 
 I think they wanted over 70 bucks for  it. 
We took a trip to the hardware store and made it with
a couple of cedar fence boards, chicken wire, hinges.... and a little finial to top it all off. 
 Much cheaper, and that's for two!

I will not lie...those darn pitches on the roof were incredibly hard to figure out how to cut. 

There were a few choice words said today and this shelf was almost not meant to be.
Seriously, I don't even know how we even got the angles,
We just kept cutting.....and cutting.....and cutting......and yes, more cutting.
We almost tossed it aside.....(well actually I had some grand fantasies about taking a hammer to it....)
but we were stubborn...and you can fix about anything with wood filler! :)

We made a couple more of the Celluclay Pots from a previous post.  We didn't paint these ones, instead we sanded them down after the Celluclay dried to let a little of the terracotta color peek out.
I'm telling you...that is cool stuff! 


We forgot to buy knobs for the doors, so we painted some GOLF TEES with spray paint,
drilled a few holes and stuck them in.
I kinda like the look of them. 


Of course I had to match my bird house, so I whipped out my left over paint.
After painting it all ,we lined the doors
and the roof with chicken wire. 
Does anyone have a great way to put chicken wire on?  Do you all use staples? 


The shelf is meant to hang on a wall, like a mini potting shed...I haven't gotten around to it yet. 


Nicole used her table saw to rip the cedar boards.
  The 1 inch excess is what we used to build the doors. 


I was in awe of how Nicole figured out how to make the doors. 
She built the base first, and fit the doors to the back.  She made it look so easy! 

Now for some real flowers in those pots!

We're linking to,

 because "almost"  all of the supplies, we found at the hardware store! :)


  1. I can't believe you did that! Amazing! I love the color cute!

  2. Cute, Just a little too much measuring for me to try. I'm with Rene I love the color.

  3. That's really cute! I love the color, the pitch (glad you didn't give up) and the chicken wire.
    I know of two ways to attach chicken wire. staples yep, but also you can use a really thin piece of wood to sandwich the chicken wire between the thin piece and the piece you're attaching it to. does that make sense?
    great job girls!

  4. I want one.

    Ya'll did great! Love it!


  5. This looks so good! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Wow, great project!
    love it

  7. as always, super cute! and i love the color you painted it!

  8. That is the cutest potting shelf I have ever seen! I love every thing about it. The color is awesome!

    Thanks so much for linking up to The CSI Project's hardware Store Challenge! We hope you will come back next week for the Martha Stewart-inspired challenge -- The MS Craft Department are our guest judges!!!


  9. Simply wonderful! I'm dying to make something with chicken wire for our little cottage. Thanks for the inspiration!


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