Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cupid Cones

Target has all their Valentine candy on sale this week
and I went a little crazy buying some~note to self, don't shop when hungry.

I think I'm totally in love with cone bags.  I had some left over from making up the Cocoa cones at Christmas~they come in a package of 24 for $1.99 so they are a great deal!  There is just something fun about the shape that makes everything look even better than normal.  I made a few up for some friends I don't get to see very often that I'm missing today.

Tonight hopefully we'll finish off a project we've been working on for the last week~the kids are going to love it!  Everything seems to take so much longer to do in January, am I the only one who thinks that?  Candace and I have been doing all those crazy "To Do" list items~like pull and clean behind the fridge, the washer and dryer, re-string the blinds, sort every single Lego so they can be thrown around the play room next week.  Ya know, Mom stuff.  At least it was warm enough (yup 37 degrees) to fill up the kiddie pool for my duckies.  It was hard to try and snap a picture and not get completely splashed!
 Life's little pleasures.:)
 What do you in January?

1 comment:

  1. Love the ducks! Do you have a duck house for them? I'm thinking of get some this Spring. Ducks or chickens? I'm thinking ducks would easier to start with.


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