Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year's....

I make at least one goal each year
and I usually don't do very well with it.
The last couple of years I didn't even bother.
Sound familiar?
This year I do have one goal I'm gonna totally follow through with.
I'm going to get healthy, no, not just lose some weight,
which would of course would be the added bonus,
but I want to feel good~most of the time.:)
Plus I have the dreaded high school reunion this summer.....
Enough said.
Right now we are obsessed with Smoothies!
Right before Thanksgiving I found out I have an ulcer.
Imagine that, after my crazy life during boutique season.  Shocking.
Doc said I needed to go on a 2 week no fat, no sugar, no white carb diet.
I thought I was going to die, not just from the ulcer but from
the lack of sugar, and I had to quit Dr. Pepper.

Surprisingly it wasn't that bad and I actually have felt
the best I have felt in a really long time.
I usually get really sick the  first part of December
when my body finally crashes.
I haven't gotten sick yet this year.
I was surprised when I did eat sugar again how sick I felt, immediately.
Of course for most of us it's totally ridiculous to be that strict but
we wanted to tell you guys about 2 sites that are inspiring us to get healthy.

Our sister-in-law from Texas has our whole family hooked.
Even our Mom who struggles with diabetes is doing amazing with it!

This lady is a local and my Mom and I have gone
to several of her classes, she is simply brilliant!
Her class on sprouts was amazing and we rushed right down and
got all of our sprouting necessities.
My daughter loves sprouts, begs me to grow them
and she gobbles them up!
Mary Ann also has classes on just about everything,
organizing your house to cooking from your car and food storage.
She is seriously hero-worthy!

To help us on our adventure with shakes
Candace picked up this cool gadget which was
on special today down at Costco.

It's the Magic Bullet!
It comes with 8 little easy to snap on cups that are single serving size.
They snap right into the base, and it's easy enough for little hands to do.
Add some fresh fruit, orange juice, ice and
you've got a smoothie that your kids will love!

Another recipe we love is to add vanilla Greek yogurt,
 cottage cheese, some frozen berries, banana and a little milk and ice cubes. 
 It's so creamy and good you won't want to share!

So far I've lost 20 lbs.
Nope I'm not doing a nasty before and after photo
although my daughter has done up a lovely one of me on the fat booth app....
So what are some of your New Year Goals?
How are you going to accomplish them!
Tell us, we need all the inspiration we can get!:)

Now....back to crafting!


  1. Please post some of your smoothie recipes... I'd love to get a Magic Bullet and try some... I could stand to lose at least 25 pounds!

  2. Good for you Candace. Cinnamon will help with the sugar cravings - 1 tbsp daily. Mix it in unsweetened applesauce or vanilla yogurt. Also Chromium will help if the cinnamon doesn't. That's what I used and it helped with carb cravings too. Also if you get headaches from caffeine withdrawal from the Dr. Pepper, try SmartWater. I used it to totally eliminate cokes - I was addicted. I love my magic bullet. You'll find all sorts of uses for it! Let me know if you need any help. I changed my lifestyle years ago. You'll feel so much better. P.S. make sure you are getting plenty of protein. You don't want to lose any muscle while you are burning fat.

  3. I love smoothies...make em all the time. I don't like sharing mine either!!! I like to eat them for lunch with a hard boiled egg(not in the smoothie of course).

    On a side note....has it really been 20 years since we graduated High School? I can't believe I take it your going to go to the reunion?

    Good luck with healthier eating!!! Miss ya, maybe we can see each other this year?!


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