Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

 Happy Halloween To You!
It's hard to believe that we survived this week
with all the school Halloween parties and projects,
(Candace's little guy also dumped a whole bottle of green food coloring on her living room carpet!!)
but somehow we did!
Our kids are already comatose from all the candy they've gathered
over the last few days and we are glad for a little bit of peace
before this next week begins!
Last night we went to a trunk-or-treat and a Haunted House that was so fun!
I even got my hubby to don the Elvis costume again!
There were people actually driving by,
 stopping to ask to get their picture taken with him!  It was hilarious! 
Candace got some great pictures but her computer has a wicked virus right now so we'll post those soon!
We have 3 consecutive weekends of Holiday Boutique's
that we are busy busy getting ready for,
as well as 4 birthdays, 2 classes, Star Student, Parent Teacher Conferences....
and the list goes on!
We'll be posting some of our fun crafts we're making for
Thanksgiving and Christmas too!
But for now....
I'll be enjoying the sweet and thoughtful gift
my friend Beth brought by to me which she does every year! 
She got these cute pumpkin bread bowls from Great Harvest Bread!
Isn't it amazing how cute a little ribbon makes things?
Ahhhhhh no cooking today!!!!!
Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!


  1. Green food coloring on the carpet, that's not good! I had one heck of a week to and I'm kind of glad it is over : ) Tomorrow's November, crazy!

  2. Hi,
    I found your blog on Atkins FB page. I JUST started and am not sure what to expect. Ever since I turned 40 (2 yrs ago, lol) my body has turned on me! I also have a hypo-active thyroid, so loosing weight is an enormous task. But I'm sick of it and thought, why not. It's my 3rd day and as I understand I am in induction for 2wks, no?


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