Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Official....I'm Nuts....

Yup, I know what you guys are thinking.
She's totally nuts.
I couldn't agree more.
Look at this new bundle of joy
that has "joined our family" as my little girl puts it.

Saturday night we had a wicked awful wind storm blow in
and it did more than blow a few branches down.
My good friend who lives down the street called me frantically
at about 10:30 at night to ask me if I wanted the baby squirrel
her dog just hauled in.
Ahhhhh, the agony of deciding in a split second.
I actually said no at first thinking how am I going to do this again?
With boutique season starting????
But I have everything to help out and I caved.
My hubby calls me the "Squirrel Whisperer".
So wish me luck with this little girl,
( and the feedings every 2 hours!!)
we have figured she's about 1 week old,
umbilical cord still attached.
She was pretty hurt by the dog
who by the way my little girl has named her after
but I think she's going to be okay.
Welcome Izzie~!


  1. Oh my gosh, I have never seen a squirrel like that! Are you going to keep it or raise it until it can be out on it's own?

  2. Hi! I don't know if it will survive, poor little thing, but if it does you should know that squirrels make fantastic pets. I have several friends who adopted baby squirrels and absolutely rave about them.

    Have you called your local humane society to ask them what you can feed the little bugger?

  3. You are certainly an animal lover. It is so ugly that is cute. Good luck.

  4. I don't think you're nuts, I think you're just a litlle squirrely! haahah
    well, since you've done it before, you know what you're up against!
    what a heart you have!
    Good luck squirrel mama!

  5. I forgot to mention to any new followers this is our second time around and exactly one year to the day of finding our last squirrel Gracie who is our little pet in our yard now. I figure I'm a pro by now...:)

    If you want a peek just look at our previous post

    Connie~~You are Hilarious!:)

  6. Oh! I want one!! When it is old enough to go without the 2 hour feedings of course! I went back and read you older it!

  7. sooooooo cute, I have NEVER in my life seen a baby squirrel, and wouldn't have even know what it was... I can't wait to watch it grow!

  8. Wow, what a photo. I've never seen one (baby squirrel) so small and hairless. Thanks for posting.

  9. Dear Squirrel Whisperer...

    Izzie is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I say... stay nuts!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  10. I like that you are a squirrel whisperer. I am all about saving an animal.

  11. Oh my..... she is a young one. The last one we saved at least had hair and the eyes open. Bless you, Squirrel Whisperer. Izzie is so lucky


    (Ok, so you knew I was going to say that, didn't you?)

    Aren't you a good soul? How could anyone that knows how to help turn down any sort of little baby? I would have to do it too.

    I have to say, and I truly mean this in the NICEST way possible, but...
    You're a REAL MOTHER! Hahahhahah! good luck, keep us updated!

  13. Ohhhhhh! What a sweetie!!! My mom adopted 3 baby squirrels after a hurricane a few years ago. They took care of them for a while and then released them in the yard where they now live in the trees.
    Good luck with little Izzy. I hope she's okay. Please keep us updated!

  14. Oh my! You've done this before? How sweet. I hope she's gonna be ok.

  15. Oh my goodness. I have never seen a bitty squirrel like his before. How absolutely amazing! And how wonderful that your friend called you. It's a job -- but so fulfilling when you know that you've done all you can to help this little sweetie! You are certainly giving your daughter a wonderful lesson in life. God bless! Wishing you all the best. Tammy

  16. have to admit when I saw that little pic on the side of my blog I said to myself WTH is that thing!!??? But now that I know, it is SOOOOO cute...who could resist trying to save that blessed little soul. Good luck squirrel mama.

  17. How is Izzie doing? Please let us know! :)


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