Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lucky Thrift Store Find

It was a good day at the thrift store! I found a nice, stable, kiddy bookshelf ! It was 15.00 and only a few scratches and plugs to fix. I have been eyeing these for a long time in the catalogs because they are PERFECT for the little kiddos to reach their books. 
 You can tell from the picture that my little guy just loves it! 
Ignore his crazy hair, we just came back from swimming and he had sunscreen plastered in it! :)

Funny thing is... I'm in charge of helping a few ladies in my local craft group build
Knock-Off Wood's version in the month of September.  
 Now I will have the perfect pattern for all the curves that need to be cut.  Lucky day!
We will have to see, but I don't think it will cost more than 15-20 dollars to make Ana's pattern.
I'll be sure to share as I start prepping for the night.


  1. What a great find! I'm SO wanting to make one of these as soon as we move. I'm curious as to what the back looks like though...Does it have hooks to connect to the wall? Or is it just leaning on the wall?

  2. Wow! Great find! Love the crazy hair! :)

  3. So nice, now your little guy can see all his books. I love finding bargains at thrift stores and yard sales.

  4. An L bracket or two under a shelf would further stabilize it.

  5. Heidi, the back has two metal keyholes to hang onto screws. Diane's idea of putting two L brackets under a shelf is really smart and probably much safer.

  6. The shelf is wonderful! So nice that your little one can help himself.
    Warm wishes, Tonya


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