Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Bird House For The Perch

So finding a bird house for this perch was a lot harder to do than we anticipated.
Did you know all those pretty ones in the store are
"Decorative", "Not Meant For Outdoor Use".
So we finally found one at Michael's made from pine
and grabbed a simple plaque base to mount it on.

We primed it and decided to paint it to match my (Nicole's) house color.
People think I'm joking when I give directions to my home and
says it's the Pistachio Green one
on the corner.  Seriously when I told our Dad what color
I had picked out for it he thought I was nuts.
Especially with cream trim?
When he drove almost 6 hours to come help me paint it
(he's the world's greatest Dad ever!!!!)
he couldn't believe that it actually was pretty and worked, somehow!
We thought it would be fun to give the roof some bling
so we pulled out this embossed metal sheeting we picked up a few years ago
for pennies when a hardware store went out of business.
Back then we thought it would be cool for a magnetic board
but quickly found out
aluminum isn't magnetic.  :(
We made a pattern and cut it out with our metal snips!
If you don't have a pair of these snips get some!
We picked these up at Home Depot for about $15 and they cut like butter!
We nailed the roof in place and then screwed them onto the plaque base
and then onto the perch.
Not bad huh?
So now the grand total for the project is a whole whopping $11!!!
Not sure why the base is looking pink below
but hey at least you'll know which house this one belongs to!


  1. sweet.
    love the color.


    barbara jean

  2. cute, cute and cute! :) I love the way it all turned out. Like the metal roof! hahah, and I love the color.


  3. The birdhouse fits the perch perfectly!! And that roof...oh my goodness! :-)

  4. I HEART THIS! I will be making one for our house for sure! Thanks so much!

  5. Okay, are you kidding me!?!?!! This is stunning. I'm kinda super jealous!

  6. you did such a great job!!! I am beyond impressed. (wanna come over and help me out with one??) :P Love the green, and the aluminum rooftop.
    (and don't worry... Nicole, you could have more boing instructions... Like, The first white house on the right... Not the 2nd,3rd,4th or 5th. No, no. I'm THE FIRST!)

  7. really cute...i love the textured roof and the way the eaves of the roof curve up! that is one posh birdhouse! and you are so right about the pistachio green and cream...i love the combination, and cannot believe that nicole painted the house herself (with a little help from your awesome dad).

  8. That is so stinkin cute! I want one for my garden. I love the color too. I am having a spring related blog party that starts today and goes through the week, I would love for you to share your project. All the best!

  9. That is such a pretty birdhouse! I will have to make a trip to Micheals.


  10. I have this same birdhouse, painted white. I love this shade of green and I believe I will paint mine this colour. It would look wonderful.
    Love the roof too; good job! Thanks for sharing.


  11. Looks great - I like the aluminum addition. Dropping by from BNOTP, #7. Allison

  12. So glad to see that you joined in at my Spring party! I just adore this bird house.

  13. Crazy for bird anything and this is adorable! so glad I stopped by! come and visit some time jennsthreegraces Jennifer


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