Friday, August 12, 2011

A Squirrel's Tale

This week has totally snuck away from us.
Forget accomplishing anything on Candace's room,
she's been stuck sewing 20 something angel and townspeople costumes
for a play they are putting on for her church group.
Today in between letting some paint dry
for some birthday banners I'm making
I thought I'd catch you all up on our latest squirrel adventures.
 Last night I was going through some of our pictures to help my parents out with
a lame newsletter about our family that of course
none of us want anyone to see pictures of us in.:)
I stumbled across all my little squirrel pictures and
I know, it's silly, but I was missing my "babies" and how fast they grow up!
Here's Gracie our first squirrel who is now 2 years old!
Here's a funny picture I got of Gracie who learned to sneak in the pet door
in the morning...and eating next to Izzie in her cage and Morris the cat.
Looks dysfunctional doesn't it!
She's living out in our yard now
and hasn't been too happy with me for kicking her out of the garage 2 weeks ago.....
which is where she had 3 babies this spring....
yeah, she chewed down into my mini Christmas tree box and had them!
Note to self: Mini tree completely destroyed~make sure to throw away.
We didn't dare peek in on them because she was fiercely protective
but the night we first saw them.....
Yes, crappy picture in dirty garage in dim light=
a giddy phone call to my parents to let them know I was a Grandma.:)
Here they are sleeping in some can holders in my garage.
They are now chewed to death so I guess I won't be using them.
When they were weaned they were more than happy to move out of the garage
and now I get to see them hang out around the bird feeder, 2 girls and 1 boy.
Oh did I show you the picture of Big Red?
I'm pretty sure he's the Daddy.
Check out his creepy blue eyes!!!!
He is huge and was hanging out an awful lot with Gracie,
the boyfriend who wouldn't go home.
Meanwhile, remember sweet little Izzie?
She was brought over by my thoughtful friend Beth.:)
Izzie grew up beautifully and loved to chew on every electrical cord in our house.
The TV, the vacuum, the Dustbuster, the computer, the lamp....nothing was spared.
When we finally went to release her this spring she did very well.
She went off for 2 days.
So I spent 2 days sitting in the freezing cold waiting for her to come back.
She did, and then we thought we'd try again a few days later
and she didn't.
I had all our neighbors on the look out and we couldn't find her.
I didn't over feed her so she matched right in with all the other squirrels.
I hope it's a good sign.
I have really missed her.
These last pictures of her were taken right before Easter
after my crazy week of crafting for a boutique and getting only 10 hours of sleep.
The bags and accentuated wrinkles made me almost not post these.
But we are coming up on our yearly anniversary of baby squirrels being dropped off
at my door and I have to admit.....
even though it's totally nuts....
I'm kinda hoping one does.
Don't repeat that to anyone!!!!

If you missed out on our previous
squirrel adventures check here and here!


  1. So sweet, reminds me of my Dad and his squirrels. Every spring the mama squirrels would drop by and intoduce Daddy to the newest babies. He spoiled them terribly...he could barely walk outside without tripping over squirrels looking for treats.

  2. Love the photo of you... You're a true beauty. And I mean that. :-)

  3. Snappy Di sent me the link to this post! How adorable!!!!

  4. I stil can't get over the squirrels. I would never think that you could actually raise and take care of squirrels as pets. Its so cool:)

  5. My brother brought home a pet squirrel that one of the prisoners at the prison he works at found on the grounds. He was tiny too, they fed him around the clock and tried to keep him wild, but he would ride the dog through the house, get in the kids hoods and was one of the family. My bro built him a cage in the shop where he could go outside to try to naturalize fall he disappeared but they continued to put food into his cage and he kept coming back to eat and run. Now they see him in the yard frequently and he comes up to them, will sit and look at the kids...once even brought a squirrel friend with him! Fun to watch!

  6. Snappy di sent me over and so glad she did! I love the little critters and post about them frequently! This was a great post!

  7. great pics! I like seeing them again! That RED, doesn't even look like a squirrel! hahahah
    Love the last picture, glad you included it.


  8. Thanks for the kind words gals! We just love hearing from you all and to hear about other squirrel lovers just makes me smile! Thanks so much!:)


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