Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Run, run, as fast as you can't catch me.....

Grandma Kathy's Gingerbread
(from a recipe given to her over 40 years ago)

1 C. butter
1 C. sugar
5 C. flour
1tsp cloves
1 1/2 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
1TB. ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1 C. molasses
1 egg
2 TB. white vinegar

Bake 350 degrees for about 8 minutes
*For ornaments, add a little more flour,
 make a hole to string ribbon, and bake at 375 for a little bit longer.

My husband's mom bakes these yummy gingerbread every year. (The pictures are of mine I made..hers are much, much cuter, with red hots and ribbons.) She makes some to eat and some to hang on the tree.  When my husband was little she would find piles of ribbons behind the couch, where he would sneak them off the tree and eat them.....even the "stale" ones!  They are that good!
I found a delicious glace' icing from Best bites. It has powdered sugar, a little milk, and Karo Syrup to give it a great consistency.  Check it out to see what else they use it for.
I just had to add  my son's gingerbread man he made for his "Gingerbread Unit" in Kindergarten.  He was so proud.... he was snapping pictures of himself all over the house!  Mr. Gingerbread man was sent on a trip (like flat Stanley) to Grandma's house, where he helped put up her Christmas lights.
I found about 20 pictures on my camera of just him and the gingerbread man. :)


  1. They're almost too cute to eat, but they look yummy!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If your gingerbread men feel the need to travel for the holidays, tell them to jot over to my house, we'll take gooooooood care of them.....

    I should also do a better job of proof reading when I comment so I don't have to delete and rewrite, delete and rewrite....:)


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