Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moss Christmas Tree

I saw these moss trees some time ago and today attempted to mimic them.  I mod podged burlap onto a piece of wood and then applied the moss, mini-pinecones, and berries with tacky glue and a glue gun.  I drilled two holes and ran plaid berry fabric to make a bow.

I went into Jo-Ann's to buy some of the infamous burlap.  I went up to the busy counter and the lady growled.."Not this stuff again...why do you girls keep buying this burlap?"  I thought it was  funny.  There was another girl in line with a cart full of it.  "Idaho Potato Sack Burlap!"  It is pretty nasty stuff to work with..but can be oh so pretty! :)


  1. Candace... that is so cute! you did a fabulous job!
    I went to buy burlap last month, but I changed my mind. There wasn't much of a selection where I went.
    Does it smell? When I was teaching we would have potato sack races, and the sacks smelled horribly! :)
    great job!

  2. oh my gosh, girl! will you sit still already?! i barely have the energy to unload the dishwasher, and here you are, coming out with some awesome project every other day. please share some of your energy with me!!

  3. What a darling idea. I just love it!!


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